Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to Determine Good Programs

Everyday, new programs are introduced in most forums and with this, you won’t know which one should you invest at. These are some steps you need to take before you decide to join in it.

1. See if the program plans are well thought of. If you see a plan like 300% daily for 20 days, don’t even try to view the site as it surely will be a fast scam.

2. Do an IP lookup through You just need to copy the website url of the program and paste it in the box and see if it has previous programs that closed down. Most Admins that are hit-and-runners use the same IP they used from their previous programs.

3. Do a whois lookup through If you searched in and there’s no program listed yet, get the IP from whosinmind and then paste it in The purpose of this lookup is for you to see if the info presented on his site jives with the whois information.

4. Research on the promoter or thread starter that introduced the program. See if the program he promotes last long. If this promoter has advertised many lasting programs, then the program now might also last too. If the promoter is just someone new or has a lot of programs that stopped paying in a short period of time, then this one’s another soon to be dead program.

5. Find reviews and comments about the program. Even rumors have some truths behind it. Visit shout boxes of popular reviewers and ask questions or let others view the program and evaluate it. It won’t hurt to ask questions to experts

6. Reluctance and hesitance are both things that you should always take into consideration. When you hesitate on investing on a program, you should not ignore it because most of the time in choosing good programs, your gut feeling is right.

7. Promotion is the key to a sustainable program. See which monitors are used by the admin.

8. Ask experts to evaluate and determine the technicalities of the website used. These would be the script used, the hosting provider, the anti DDOS used and many more. By knowing how much an admin invested on his program, you will be able to realize that the admin plans to stay long and not do a hit and run for one day.

These are the things that I do to measure if a program is good enough to invest at. Try to do these steps before you invest at a program. Good luck!

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