Sunday, December 30, 2012

How to Earn Online

Earning money requires a lot of hard work and patience so in this case, what I will state is not something that can be considered a "get rich quickly" strategy. There are many methods on how to earn money online but I'll only mention the things that I'm currently using.

1. Paid to Advertise and Revenue Sharing
How it works: As a participant in this program, you have to buy shares and you will be given daily returns. Those shares contain ad credits and with this, you are unable to refund since what you bought is considered a service where you are given the choice to advertise something through their site. Some programs use forced compounding (repurchasable balance) wherein when you withdraw your funds, a percentage automatically goes to repurchasable balance (fund that you can only use to buy shares and this cannot be withdrawn)

Advantages: Paid to advertise programs grow through word of mouth or online promoting. These programs need teams who will promote hard to invite investors. With this kind of promotion method, it builds a friendly and trusting relationship between the referrer and referral.

Disadvantages: They don't necessarily need to use monitors so payment proofs are limited. Another one is forced compounding.

Buy 2 shares that cost $10 with 2% daily returns for 100 days
Each share will gain 2% of their cost ($10) daily
Each share will provide daily returns of $.2 and that will be for 100 days
So let’s multiply $.2 and 100 to see how much the total return is
$.2 x 100 days = $20 total return after 100 days
So since you have 2 shares ($20 x 2 = $40)

Now, what are the ad credits for?
The purpose of ad credits is for you to put website addresses or banners for rotation through the site

2. Paid to surf / Autosurf
How it works: I tried this kind of program and it somehow resembles how paid to advertise works. The only difference is that you need to manual or auto surf into some sites in order to meet a quota, then after that, your daily earnings will be credited. Through surfing, you gain credits and you can allocate these credits to advertising your websites. To gain daily returns, you need to invest the minimum required deposit.

Advantages: Some Paid to surf programs provide direct payment to your payment processor. It means you don't need to request for withdrawal because all earnings go to your payment processor directly. Only a few paid to surf programs did this.

Disadvantages: You need to surf in order to earn daily. If you aren't able to surf within the day, you don't earn anything.

Deposit minimum required deposit of $20 in this paid to surf program having the plan 12% daily for 12 days
You are required to surf 10 sites daily to earn 12% return
You surfed 10 sites today and you were able to meet your quota for today
You will gain 12% of your deposit. Since you deposited $20, let’s calculate
$20 x .12 = $2.4 return for this day
You will be doing this everyday for 12 days, let’s calculate
$2.4 x 12 days = $28.8 Total return after 12 days

3. Doublers and Cyclers
How it works: Participants buy a position and wait for it to cycle. Doublers are easier because all you need to do is to buy a position then get referrals that will complete your matrix and after that, you will receive your earning based on the cost of the position and after that, you will have to recruit others again to fill in your matrix. Cyclers work through stages, wherein there will be levels. After your 1st level matrix gets filled up, you move on to the next level and you will be able to earn more as long as the positions are being filled up. This kind of program is actually more of a people business because in order for you to be successful here, you will need to refer others to join under you.

Advantages: If you have a team, this kind of program will surely make profit for you. If you'll join this alone, earnings will be quite slow.

Disadvantages: Earnings will be dependent on the number of members joining in. If recruitment is not doing so well, you might not even get your seed money. The flow of incoming participants will judge the outcome of the program.

You see a cycler that has the following plan:
$10 each position in a 2 x 1 matrix
$2 for each direct referral
$5 when your matrix cycles
Free re-entry upon matrix completion
2 x 1 meaning the first number (2) is the number of positions you need to fill up through referring or through forced placement.
2 x 1 meaning the second number (1) is the level of the matrix. The higher the number, the more levels and for each level, earnings go higher so as the position cost.
$2 for each direct referral means that those who will join under you, you will receive $2
$5 when matrix cycles means that you gain $5 after you have completed your matrix
So after you were able to refer 2 other people to join under you, this is what will happen:
You gain $4 because you have 2 direct referrals
You also gain $5 because you completed your 2 x 1 matrix
Your matrix is complete therefore you are given another 2 x 1 matrix for you to complete
So you need to invite 2 more people in you matrix
In conclusion, for every matrix completion, you will be receiving $9 ($4 + $5) and you just need to repeat the same process over and over again.
You don’t need to spend another $10 for a position since you are given another matrix once you complete the one you paid for.

4. High Yield Investment Program
How it works: HYIPs require participants to invest money and it will be returned either daily or after the term ends. You won't be buying any material or credits from this program. Most admins will say that funds invested will be used for projects or forex and many more. This one is the most popular earning method as of this moment.

Advantages: Returns are high and most HYIPs have live support and facebook group. You can easily reach them when you have unanswered queries.

Disadvantage: Due to its popuplarity, many people are making programs that end early rendering the admin as the only winner and all investors in the losing side. It's hard to identify which sites are worth investing at since even those that are professionally made would runaway with the investors money within the 1st or 2nd day of it being online.

Example: 2 kind of returns: Daily and End term ---- 2 kinds of plan: principal included and principal returned
Daily and Principal included
Invest $20 in a program providing 10% daily Principal included
Let’s calculate: $20 x .10 = $2 – this is what you get each day and it will be for 12 days
Let’s now get the total return: $2 x 12 days = $24 Total return

Daily and Principal returned
Invest $20 in a program providing 3% daily ($20 x .03 = .6) for 40 days (.6 x 40 = $24) Principal returned ($24 + $20 = $44)
Let’s calculate: $20 x .3 = $.6 – this is what you get each day and it will be for 40 days
Let’s now get the total return: $.6 x 40 days = $24 Total return for 40 days
Since this plan has “PRINCIPAL RETURNED” on it, that means you will get your initial deposit at the end of the term.
Your first investment of $20 will be given at the end
Let’s calculate: $24 total return for 40 days + $20 initial investment = $44

End Term
Invest $20 in a program providing 130% after 3 days. At the end of the term, your $20 becomes ($20 x 1.30) $26

Principal included plans have higher rates but lower total return like in the example above only 120% (10 x 12 days)
Principal returned plans have lower rates but longer terms like the example above (3 x 40 days = 120 + 100 (principal) = 220%)

Note: Always remember that all of these programs may disappear without you knowing it. Join these programs knowing about the risks behind them. There will be winners and losers here so don't get frustrated when you lose. Remember that these programs are like games that are very volatile and uncontrollable. Do not invest what you can't afford to lose. Goodluck to all of us ^_^

If there are errors or mistakes on how I view these programs kindly send me a message and I'll look into it.


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  2. Thanks! I'll check your blog later ^_^
